Tuesday 21 April 2015

Rekindling the Romance

Every now and then, I am assigned to court take (or manage the courtroom) during hearings of civil cases.  The saddest episodes are those when family members sue each other over the possessions left by ascendants. Just the other day, there was a couple who must have separated, sitting in the opposite sides of the courtroom, and they never glanced at each other.  Years of togetherness thrown out of the window, and in lieu unfeeling, if not hatred in their hearts.

On a Sunday, just prior to making the final blessing in the Eucharistic celebration, the priest called upon a couple to make an announcement. They said that there was a time in their lives that the love that they professed to each other had nearly become barren due to the busyness in making a living. It was only when they participated in a Marriage Encounter Weekend that they rekindled their romance, having been reminded of their vows and that communication between couples need to be as regular as watering a plant for it to live and flourish. They invited couples to attend.

There is no magic potion to make a marriage work. Husband and wife must develop a lifetime plan to make their relationship flourish, and only when Jesus is made the center of that relationship will marriage last, through good times and bad.  Constant dialogue just like constant prayer deepens the marriage, as the latter enriches the bond with God.  “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.”  (Ephesians 4:15)

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